Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Gladwin
Subject: Permit Fee Schedule
Adopted by the Board of County Road Commissioners on: 08-11-2004 Revised by the Board of County Road Commissioners on: 04-18-2007 Revised by the Board of County Road Commissioners on: 02-24-2016
Pursuant to act no. 212, public acts of 1980 (mcla 224.196) and the public hearing held on 8-11-04, the gladwin county road commission established the following fee schedule to recoup costs actually incurred in processing permits. The following schedule is not meant to be all inclusive in recouping all costs, and therefore may be increased to cover the actual costs incurred.
Policy No. 19
Application and permit to construct, operate, use and/or maintain within the right-of-way; or to close, a county road”
County Road Association of Michigan Transport Permit Information is available HERE.